Michigan's Top 10 Strategic Education Plan: Promising Practices Exchange

The Michigan Department of Education (MDE) recognizes that contributions from our education partners are pivotal to reach the goals within Michigan's Top 10 Strategic Education Plan. Michigan education partners can submit and view promising practices that are aligned to the strategic plan goals. The Promising Practices Exchange provides an opportunity to share and learn from one another to improve learner outcomes. Thank you to all Intermediate School Districts (ISDs), Local Education Agencies (LEAs), Public School Academies (PSAs), and education partners who have contributed. The submitted practices are specific to the strategic plan goals and demonstrate improved outcomes for learners.

Michigan's Top 10 Strategic Education Plan is Michigan's plan for education in the state. The plan has been designed to concentrate energy and resources, strengthen operations, and set success measures to ensure that all stakeholders are working together toward common education goals. Michigan's Top 10 Strategic Education Plan is both a directional and aspirational document in which ISDs, LEAs, PSAs, education partners, and MDE can contribute to its implementation.

Have questions? Contact us at MDE-OSPI@michigan.gov.

MDE offers the Promising Practices Exchange as a service to support the sharing of evidence-based practices with Michigan's educational community. Practices on the Promising Practices Exchange show improved outcomes for learners based on specific implementation of the practice. Results depend on a variety of factors and may vary in different classrooms, schools, districts, and communities.

Do you have a promising practice to add?

The following partners have helped in the development of Michigan's Top 10 Strategic Education Plan: Promising Practices Exchange

The Promising Practices Exchange is: